Your support matters
CLDTA is only nonprofit organisation dedicated to development of the entire CLDT. Our work would not be possible without the support of many people around the world who sympathized with our cause, like the CLDT, and hiking and nature in general. You donation supports our work of preserving and managing the CLDT. Sincerely, we thank you for your support.
Your donations help us to:
- coordinate volunteer work in the field,
- successfully mark and GPX record over 2000 km of trail,
- maintain our informative website,
- take care of ecological aspect of areas that CLDT goes through,
- release trail related publications,
- enable ecologically acceptable platform for tourist, mountaineering & adventure type of tourism, especially useful for personal growth of those who will embark on thru-hike of Croatia.
Ways to give
1. Bank deposit
To donate via bank deposit visit your bank or Internet Banking to transfer funds to the following account: