![CLDT Section A](https://cldt.hr/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/3.-Sekcija-A1-142-zmajevac-nikola-horvat-810x320.jpg)
Ilok – Sveti Martin na Muri
~576 km | ~23,9 Km D+ | ~23 days
This section is low-lying, there are not many uphill slopes, nevertheless with its golden fields, rural areas and local delicacies it certainly draws attention. The A section is ideal for building strength and condition, and it is not so physically demanding, but care should be taken in choosing the time of year to walk due to the high summer temperatures. In this part the trail often passes by villages and towns, therefore it is not necessary to carry much food in your backpack, which is certainly an advantage for hikers who are just beginning to hike and who have not yet developed tolerance to heavy backpacks. Along with Ilok and Našice hikers on this section will visit Bapska, Lovas, Vukovar, Osijek, Beli Manastir, Belišće/Valpovo plus a number of picturesque villages with very kind local people, as well as some well-known sites such as the Danube, Ovčara, the Eltz Manor, Kopački Rit and so on. Passing down this part of section A at an average of 25 km per day, it can be walked in ten days.
![CLDT Section A](https://cldt.hr/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/cldt-section-a-2-1024x512.jpg)
Papuk is the first mountain which the CLDT passes while Našice is an ideal town for supplies before the mountainous part. The vast forests, forest animals, fresh air and cold water are sufficient reasons for the attractiveness of this section. Papuk is not a very high mountain, but nevertheless, it is demanding enough to make the average hiker sweat. The hiking trails in this section are quite developed, and so getting around in this area is made easier by the excellent markings. Four days are necessary for the average hiker to finish this short part.
From one mountain to another – from Papuk to Bilogora, and then to a third – Kalnik. Three pearls that offer hikers an insight into the real nature of continental Croatia. The mountains are similar, but also different and each has its own charms. The A3 section winds along the towns of Virovitica, Koprivnica, Ludbreg – the famous centre of the world and Prelog. Podravina and Međimurje are culturally and food-wise extremely rich regions, and hikers will be able to experience this at first hand, all the way to Sveti Martin na Muri – the northernmost point of the Republic of Croatia. This section is the most difficult bit for hikers of section A, in particular, we refer to Kalnik which has quite steep paths. However, once you conquer Kalnik, there is no end to the satisfaction. The average hiker can walk this part of section A in ten days.